Over the Weather
Over the Weather is an app designed to help people track their well being in relation to weather changes. The app includes illnesses such as headaches, allergies, mental health, breathing issues, productivity, skin health, and more. Over the Weather can be used simply to track seasonal allergies, but it has also proven to aid people with chronic illnesses. Through logging your symptoms, reading up on upcoming weather changes, and following the app’s personalized tips, Over the Weather can guarantee to improve your life.
PERSONA: Molly is a 22 year old college student who prioritizes her health and well being. Molly has gotten migraines and other headaches her whole life, and this can cause her to unexpectedly be bedridden on days she has a flare up. Many times Molly does not know when her migraines happen, and therefore she can’t prepare for them when they occur. Molly knows that the change in pressure and weather are heavily related to her headaches, as well as other mental health symptoms, and she wishes to keep track of these effects so that she can be better understand what days she might be feeling worse.
NEEDS: To know about upcoming weather changes that might affect headaches and other symptoms; To have a calendar of logged symptoms that can be referred back to understand patterns and be used during doctors visits; Easy to access and effective tips based on symptom inputs; To have a detailed depiction of the weather and what it could mean for your health
PAIN POINTS: There are no titles for the menu icons on the bottom of the screen; There is no built-in calendar; More consolidation overall
lots of double information
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IX Flow
IX Flow -