Robert Rauschenberg Artist Catalogue
This 34-page artist catalogue features some of Robert Rauschenberg’s famous and unique works. Each chapter delves into a specific series or subject that he focused on. The book itself is 8.5 in x 11 in, and is meant to be easy to hold and display. The cover of the book features a white sleeve with Robert Rauschenberg’s name cut out. This sleeve can be removed to open the book. The cover features a collage of Rauschenberg’s work, which pays tribute to his discography, as well as his method of creation (often through collage). All of the images within the book are scanned images of Rauschenberg’s pieces. The typography is meant to emulate some of the collage and printing methods that Rauschenberg implemented in his work. This can be seen in the variation of weights, the smudginess, and the half-toning.
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